At this moment in the photo, #400 is awaiting a replacement part, so drivers and trainers got an unscheduled break, but it was an exciting day (Tuesday, July 23rd, 2019) when our regular trolley – #23 – was in the shop for repairs and we ran this sweet little Birney car ( https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Birney) all day instead.
Check out the Walt Laurie Memorial Museum at Lakeside Rotary Park (between the soccer fields and the tennis courts, right next to the Nelson Rowing Club building) between noon and three pm every weekday while the streetcar is operational. Not only will you be able to get a close look at #400, we also have memorabilia, streetcar-related tools and equipment, souvenirs and there’s always wonderful volunteers available to tell you all about it!

Photo Credit: Michael Dill